Twenty-one-year-old Edgar McGregor is creating the change he wants to see by conducting clean ups on his daily walks in...
A U.S Coast Guard crew rescued a dog that had fallen overboard off the coast of North Carolina recently.
Hikmet Kaya has proved that good intentions can yield big rewards if you put the work in. The 78-year-old from...
Conservation efforts and habitat work have played a role in helping a record number of little penguins cross the beach on...
The Australian parents of an 18-month-old girl say they’ll never forget the gift of organ donation. When Riley was welcomed...
Firefighters are used to rescuing cats from trees, but the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service recently carried out an unusual animal...
Conservations efforts are paying off in the Seychelles with the endangered green turtle appearing on beaches again. Turtle hunting was...
A dog and his 13-year-old owner have been hailed heroes for the discovery and rescue of a man who became trapped...
The perfect night out at the Op Shop Ball is on at Dion Market, Cockburn, Perth on Saturday 17 April.
After a turbulent 2020, there is finally some good news coming from the stars… many of us can breathe a...